Treadmills are one of the most popular and widely used fitness equipment all over the world. They are affordable, easy to maintain, easy to use machines which can be used by anyone especially for the beginners having low fitness levels. They can give you a very good cardiovascular workout if you know the proper technique of exercising on treadmills. Treadmills allow you to run, walk or jog while you stay at one place.
The best part of using a treadmill is that you can increase or decrease the intensity of the workouts according to your exercise goals. Most of the treadmill models allow you to adjust the incline of the running board to simulate running in the hills. Both walking and running at great exercises which can help you burn calories at a good rate so that you can remain fit.
Treadmills are also very good machines for home use. This can allow you to have a workout any time you want irrespective of the weather outside. You can also have a flexible exercise schedule for your treadmill workouts if you keep it at home.
A lot of models also have preprogrammed treadmill workouts with varying degree of intensity for the user. A user can just select a program as per his need. You can also mix and match treadmill workouts with your other strength training exercises. Most of us run on a treadmill for our warm-ups and cool down during the exercise schedule. A good way to mix strength training with cardiovascular exercises is to use treadmills between the exercises of different muscle groups.
While running on the treadmill, a lot of people tend to lean on the handlebars which are meant for support and safety in case of emergency. Leaning on the handlebar or putting a weight on it is not a good habit especially to looking for maximum burnout of the calories. Ideally, your hands should be free from the handlebar while you’re using a treadmill. This will give you a better workout. Other than that, treadmills are a great way to start with your exercises.
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