Most of us know about elliptical trainers now, they are gaining popularity fast as the best cardio workout machines. Exercise machines with big handles also known as cross trainers. They are also effective in giving you a good workout for your cardiovascular fitness just like treadmills. Looking for the best fitness machine, when we compare elliptical Vs treadmills, elliptical trainers have some advantage over treadmills in the sense that they give you a upper body workout as well. Your feet do not lift from the footpads so there is no impact on your feet, knees and joints as you move in an elliptical motion. Although the treadmill belt is better for your knees than the ground, there is still a significant amount of impact on your joints. A lot of people switch over to elliptical machines for this reason alone.
Now the question in analyzing elliptical Vs treadmills is that, which one burn more calories?
Elliptical trainers give you a more thorough workout as there is an involvement of upper body movement as well. Because elliptical trainers also work the upper and lower body simultaneously, the heart rate climbs more quickly. Thus, less time is required to achieve more results. With treadmill exercises also, the ideal workout would be using arms to make a natural walking or jogging motion but most of us do not follow this and our upper body movement is almost negligible. That makes a difference in calorie burn out. Studies suggest that exercising numerous muscle groups increases fat burning efficiency.
If your joints are suffering from strain or just old age, and if you would like to exercise your upper body, the elliptical trainer is a good choice.
However if you like to walk or run, nothing beats a good treadmill.
Due to the pendulum effect of elliptical machines, ones does not burn nearly as many calories as compared to running. Most people on elliptical machines simply go through the motions, and burn as much calories as could be achieved on a walk.