Ironman treadmills are gaining popularity as they have a good range of models to offer. This brand is offering treadmills that belong in the low to mid-priced range category. Ironman is another brand owned and manufactured by Keys Fitness, a company located in Garland. Keys still manufactures their treadmills in the US but now sources most of the components from overseas. Keys also own the CardioMax, Alliance, HealthTrainer and Encore brand names. Ironman treadmills are usually low to mid-priced machines. They range from as low as $800 to as high as $1,500. But they also have a few premium treadmills that are priced for $2,000. It’s the cheaper models that offer the best value for money. You get a lot of features for your money, the build quality and overall finish is somewhat lacking when you compare it with some other brands. Main features of these treadmills include large 2.5″ diameter rollers, .6 – 10 mph speed range and up to 12% incline. They also fold up for easy storage. The warranties on Ironman treadmills are quite decent: lifetime frame warranty, 10 years on the motor, two years on parts and one year labor. Ironman offers a range of products […]