Pacemaster is a known for quality treadmills. Some of their machines have ranked well in recent years as they have a good 30 years of experience in the fitness industry. The products have been reviewed and well rated by the fitness experts. One of their best selling products is Pacemaster Gold Treadmill. Gold Treadmill is a solid built product by Pacemaster with good dimensions, a heavy stable frame and a powerful motor which makes it a good choice for heavy users. It can withstand a user weight upto 400 lbs. The frame is welded and not bolted which give it the extra strength and stability. A 3 CHP motor does its job well and is powerful enough to give a speed range of 0.5 mph to 12 mph (adjustable in 0.1 mph increments). Running area is a wide 20″ x 60″ which is pretty good to run with overall dimensions being: 73.5″L x 33″W x 57″H. An elevation range of 0% to 15% (adjustable in 0.5% increments) can be adjusted for maximum intensity. Most of the treadmills will give around a 10% range. Belt is 2-ply Texglide stretch resistant and is rated for 10,000 miles. A multicolor dot matrix display […]